There have been many special people over the years who have made significant contributions to the mission of Friends. The Friend in Deed Award was established to recognize these individuals; it is presented at the annual meeting. A plaque naming these Friends is located in the Center’s lobby.

Award Recipients
Cecilia Closs
George Sachs
Gordon Thomas
Bonnie Weston
Paul Kohlenberger
Robert Ames Alden
Thamir Al’Hashimi
Jan Auerbach
Joann Berkson
Sandra Bremer
Carol Conrad
Pamela Danner
Clive DuVal 2nd
Evelyn Fox
Theodore L. Gray
Mary Anne Hampton
Carole Herrick
Max Hinds
Jessica Kohlenberger
Frank Opeka
H. Gordon Randall
Stanley I. Richards
Frederick B. Roehner
Gay Rogers
Page S. Shelp
Steven V. Sommovigo
William Stell
Betty Thompson
Margaret Van Winkle
Glenn Yarborough
Vance S. Zavela